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App feature of the week: Digital Shopping List

Retailers and grocers, your app must include a digital shopping list. At the most basic level, a shopping list will help your customers remember what they want to buy so that they leave your store with everything they intended to buy. A shopping list helps your store stay top of mind and becomes the default […]

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Retailers and Smartphones – It’s not “if” or “when”… it’s “how”

We’ve all seen the numbers of how many people have smartphones and that they are using them to help with shopping. But if your memory is like mine, here is a quick refresher: There are over 100 million smartphones in the U.S. and growing fast[1] 73% use their smartphones to help with the shopping experience[2] […]

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When it comes to mobile advertising, you have to be in the flow

Mobile is very different than online, and mobile advertising must be treated differently than online advertising for three key reasons: 1)      Mobile users are very task-oriented. Instead of “browsing”, they engage with their smartphones and use them to accomplish specific activities such as getting directions to a friend’s house, creating a list, shopping for a particular item, […]

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